Does our life reflect our faith?

I remember one of the things I used to ask my mum a lot growing up is why do people who are saved always say “my name is so and so I’m saved, and I love Jesus”, why wouldn’t they let their character or how they treat people show that they are saved.

And sometimes I would ask because how they would treat people and what they were confessing never seemed to make sense to me.

How does my life reflect my faith? I remember telling my mum that when I get saved, I would like my life to reflect my faith, so when I tell people or when they find out that I am saved it makes sense to them, other than they start asking themselves how that can be.

I think about the time when Jesus was crucified and those around said “surely He was the son of God”. At that specific time what made them say that? Matthew 27:54 “….after they saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified, and exclaimed, Surely He was the Son of God”. I mean Christ had said it, but it’s really about what they saw. And sometimes I feel like it is not just about the earthquake, but about all that they had seeing Christ do and heard about Him – not just from Jesus Himself, but from the people He interacted with.

Every time I read the Bible and the life of Christ as man (and God) how He lived with people, His humility is so profound given that He was (and still is) God, but He chose to interact with us from a place of humility. Think about the miracles that He performed, yet He chose to stay humble. He portrayed His life as God not just by speaking about His assignment, but by living out as the perfect example.

I always ask myself, in what ways do I glorify God as a Christian in how I live my life? Does my life reflect what my tongue confesses? Are people surprised when they find out that I am Christian?

I really think our faith is not just about what we say, its evidence is in how we live our life. And the only way we can know what we need to do to be more Christ like (Philippians 2:5), is by asking God to show us How and by spending time studying His word.

I yearn to live a life that is an example of what it means to be a person of faith, that my life can speak for itself, and so when I open my mouth – it basically confirms and not contradicts my faith. And so everyday I ask the Lord to guide me, to lead me, to correct me and to give me a teachable heart. Because at the end of the day I want my life to reflect my faith.

Picture of Sophie


I love to write, talk and share my experiences, I strongly believe in the power of sharing and how one’s experience is enough to shape another person’s life.

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