That One Thing…

How many times do we hear the phrase “God only needs one thing”? Sometimes that is made in reference to your response, He needs your yes, or sometimes in reference to your talent/calling.

Sometimes we tend to overthink what that one thing is, and when we figure it out, we then start overthinking how God can use it. I stopped overthinking and started believing that because God is God, He already has it figured out, so what He needs from me is to DO that is to use it.

For the longest time I have always known I can talk and kept overthinking about how God can use my love and ability to talk, but when I stopped overthinking and continued to talk, I honestly started experiencing how God can use that for His glory. But the substance of what I say is grounded on time that I spend with God. So even though our energy and mind should shift to DOING, our time must be spent with God. Because it is only then that we will get instructions/directions and inspirations on what to do, and how to do it.

We tend to underestimate the power of spending time with God, allowing Him to teach and nurture that “one thing” – and it is the only way we will get guidance and instructions on how best to use it for His glory.

This verse came to my mind as I was writing this blog post “being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6). The fact that God gave you that “one thing” and trusted you enough to give it to you, means He will enable you to use it. Therefore, our part is simple believe in He that gave it to us, and use it.

So, my question for you today is what is that one thing? Once you figure that out (without overthinking), what are you doing with it?

Picture of Sophie


I love to write, talk and share my experiences, I strongly believe in the power of sharing and how one’s experience is enough to shape another person’s life.

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