Growing up I didn’t like the phrase ‘God’s time is always best’ (okay I still fight it at times) – to me it was one of those phrases that I felt people relied on when they had nothing to say. So it just sounded right to say ‘God is always on time’. Why is this not happening ‘relax Sophie God is always on time’.
I thank God for maturity – I now understand and appreciate that indeed God is always on time. These words hit me deep when I was listening to a sermon and the preacher pointed out John 8:20 – “He spoke these words while teaching in the temple courts near the place where the offerings were put. Yet no one seized him, because his hour had not yet come”. This scripture proves that they didn’t seize Him because His time had not come – and when His time came He was ready!
There are words that always hit me in the Bible, what Jesus said when He was on the cross – He said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” Luke 23:34. Two things that I think about when I read this verse: One is Jesus is Jesus, imagine after all the things they (we) put Him through, He still asked God to forgive us (wooow)!! Two, is Jesus was able to say these words and make that prayer because the time had come and He was ready – He was ready to say that prayer. It is really deep, that even at that moment He still prayed for us – especially when I think about how He was man and God at the same time, but His nature as God and His purpose for mankind had been fulfilled, and so He was able to be in the right state of mind to realize that the time had come!
Timing is so important – because it aligns everything that has happened, or was said. If something happens at the wrong time – we are neither ready nor prepared. As human beings we tend to want things to happen as per our calendar, our timeline – and so many times we do not consult God on this. So we end up wanting things to rush and fail to focus on the present – and in the end we come to realize that apparently what we were in a preparation stage. But this does not mean that we do not talk to God about it, or even complain – think about the prayer that Jesus said in Luke 22:42 “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” He knew His purpose but even at that time He still said that prayer – why wouldn’t I make such a prayer?
Like I said in this week’s word of the week – God is really teaching me about what it means to trust in Him deeper, and this means also trusting in His timing! He is never late, neither is He ever early – He is always right on time! So take every day as a day to learn, and to pray, don’t despise the opportunities you have right now, the space you are in right now, the people in your life right now – all this is for a purpose and in the end all this will matter. TAKE IT ALL IN – and like Jesus, be honest with God, it doesn’t make you weak or less than – it makes you human and vulnerable, and it allows Him to speak to you, and to tell you to trust in His timing because His timing matters!
Thanks for reading and have a blessed weekend ahead!